money as the one true good
that cash is held as king
upheld as truly tradable
for each and everything
if money is the only means
to measure what makes good
then if you ain't make profit
you must ask if you couldv
people here are useful
insofar as they can be used
so if they can increase your fortune
who cares if they're getting bruised
time's another resource
to spend on your prosperity
there's no rest for the wicked
for those who live in insincerity
this is the great lie
that money can be redeemed
for everything worth having
for everything you've dreamed
that if it can't be bought
then it ain't worth anything
that if it's given freely
it's worth sealing wax and string
mammon sells a false promise
that you could be okay
if you just had enough
you could stand above the fray