

the gleaming golden god of greed
is worshipped as mammon
we fill ourselves on currency
and suffer from famine

we have here insecurity
for our material conditions
desire is for surety
and secure positions

to make comfort and be safe
money is what you need
if you wish relief from strife
then chase mammon and plead

so profit is exalted
and held as what makes good
its blinding light defaulted
washing out our personhood

"greed is good and right and true"
mammon drips in your ear
everyone else is doing it
why should you be austere?

and for the acolytes
who succeed in their riches
human good recedes
replaced with golden itches

there can never be enough
mammon is never sated
even after you've been stuffed
your hunger's not abated

mammon is the measure
by which you succeed
for him there's nothing else to this
but your consuming greed