that we are divided here
one against another
set opposite and bound with fear
cut off from each other
the effect is distraction
and social inaction
we the many are bickering
while the few are snickering
the powers that be
sow discontent and discord
to turn us on each other
and away from their hoard
our strength has been broken
we're without solidarity
we squabble for scraps
while the rich reap our prosperity
scarcity makes desperation
we struggle to survive
too busy scraping nickels
to consider how we thrive
desperation begets division
your needs block the view
but the mean streets that you're on
are what everybody's going through
division does dehumanize
discarding our care
we look through and past each other
and attend our own affairs
human people tempted
to betray their ties
while collectives fracture
under manufactured lies
the systems that we live under
presuppose our acts
divided and competing
this is our syntax