
zero sum game

take a look around, what do you see?
dogs eating dogs, it's on the marquee

there's a finite amount of goods in this place
so heap up your account, 'cause this is a race
grab ahold of as much as your able
or be left behind, with an empty table

everyone's ventured, but nothing is gained
our competition, is carefully trained

what you win, I lose; what you lose, I win
the so-called nature of the thing we're in

without common purpose, we bicker and fight
though we share needs, we're without plebiscite

eight billion people labour every day
yet the sum stays at zero, and never gives way
dishonest deceit, a lie and a trick
the wealth from our labour's going to a prick

the place we live has been purposely designed
to concentrate wealth, while keeping us blind
"squabble for rent, and your daily bread"
"don't be concerned about who pulls the thread"

though I'm told there's not enough to go around
I ain't here to listen to the man in the crown
he says this is the world and I should accept it
well let's take it back from those who've klept it