
the gravity of gender

the gravity of gender
how does it get its weight?
what is so important here?
why does it feel innate?

gender is personal and uniquely known
a function of self, in a social place
the roots of the thing are deeply sown
though how it grows is face to face

we're normal people, with normal desires
to be seen, to be included, and to be esteemed
the models we hold up, act as justifiers
demonstrating how, masculinity is deemed

we are measured on a curve
each against another
and if it is you will not serve
you won't be titled brother

and those who fail the measure of man
are cast from the fire to the frying pan
without even the glow of competitive regard
ashamed and alone, out in the yard

if you've been snubbed
and wish for affirmation
you're left to comply
and make peace with predation

manhood has a type and scope
a definition here
participation is required
or you'll be cast as queer