if the realm of men you'll claim
then your obliged to play the game
teasing, joking, jostling, fights
climbing the ranks in endless rites
raise yourself, above your peers
compare wealth and your careers
all the men play, no one's exempt
no time outs granted, no safe attempt
it starts with your peers or begins with your dad
it ends when you die, no escape to be had
no girls allowed, this is for the boys
our game of status, and endless poise
played against men, and judged by them too
respect is the prize which we try to accrue
it's won and lost in ten thousand ways
in every action, in all your displays
how well do you perform the role?
how well do you police it?
dominance here is the goal
to be meek makes you unfit
what happens to players who never can rest
tiptoeing around an unending test?
to always be guarded, to never relent
to seek someone smaller whom you can torment
comply and conform, or you will be shamed
there can be no trust among those who are maimed
without a safe place, to let down your guard
you walk 'round the world, feathered and tarred
this is the game we're compelled to play
how we make manhood, and how we betray